Your presence and voice can be life-changing for a woman about to enter an abortion clinic, or a woman who looks worried or unsure of what she would like to do. That’s why the Pro-Life Union established “Newby Saturday” to help first-time, or fairly newer witnesses, become effective in their approach to help women choose life for their unborn baby.
Newby Saturday occurs on the second Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm outside Planned Parenthood at 12th & Locust Sts. in Philadelphia. (Fact: 4,231 abortions occurred at this clinic in 2018.)

Newby Saturday Dates in 2020*:
January 11
February 8
March 14
April 11
May 9
June 13
July 11
August 8
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12

To communicate the importance of human life in your local community, visit the Pro-Life Union’s 40 Days for Life web page to find locations in the Greater Philadelphia area. Feel free to also visit the 40 Days for Life official website for additional resources. The next 40 Days for Life campaign will run from September 25-November 3, 2019. To lead a campaign in your city/town, click here to apply online by June 21, 2019.
Please consider contributing toward the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia’s ongoing efforts with outreach. Click here to donate and learn how your financial gift will impact numerous lives.