Adoption is a Loving Option’s mission is to make a difference by educating students, youth groups, church groups and organizations about the positive options for facing unplanned pregnancies. By sharing personal stories on adoption, they give a voice and a face to unborn children and disprove the myths and misconceptions surrounding adoption. By sharing the beauty of adoption, they empower others to speak up against abortion, support adoption as a better choice and understand the life affirming options available to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.

AlphaCare is an outreach of the Christian community to those in physical, social and spiritual need due to pregnancy. Their desire is to demonstrate Christ’s love to those they serve by providing compassionate alternatives to abortion and the life skills necessary for well-being. They do so by providing social services, medical referrals and education to women and their families.

Chester County Pro-Life Coalition’s mission is to promote respect and protection for all human life by informing and educating the people of Chester County, Pennsylvania. They do this through the publication of newsletters, organizing regular public witnesses, participating in public events, providing financial support to “Youth for Life” and West Chester University “Students for Life,” communicating with local legislators, providing support for local alternatives agencies and maintaining a large selection of pro-life literature and materials.

The mission of CCL is to build joyful marriages by teaching natural family planning, couple to couple. Our vision for achieving this mission includes shaping a culture of love and life by:
Increasing the virtuous use of natural family planning
Protecting marriage
Increasing the number of lifelong and joyful marriages
Promoting sexual virtues
Couple to Couple League believes learning and practicing NFP helps couples learn how to love one another fully and unselfishly. This translates into happy, stable marriages and families, open to life and sexual virtue. Simply put, they want to help couples Live the Love they are called by God to experience as husband and wife.

The Culture Project International is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture by proclaiming the dignity of the human person and the richness of living sexual integrity. Their missionaries are formed, trained, and sent out on mission teams to serve local communities on an international scale, delivering presentations to young people in schools, conferences, and parishes, as well as engaging culture through friendship and conversion. They challenge the status quo by inviting young people to reclaim a life of virtue, thereby promoting a culture fully alive.

Every Good Gift is a a job training ministry for young single mothers who have had difficult lives. We remove barriers to work by working near public transit stops and offering free on-site child care. Job, parenting, life, and relationship skills are addressed through informal mentoring by trained volunteers and more formal workshops. Personal faith is nurtured through weekly Bible Studies. Our products include gift baskets, journals, craft items, and a variety of creative gifts made on the sewing machine. You can support this ministry by praying, donating, volunteering, or purchasing our products.

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion. It draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program: Prayer and Fasting, Constant Vigil and Community Outreach.
40 Days for Life: West Chester Campaign
40 Days for Life: Philadelphia Campaign

The Gianna Center of Philadelphia is dedicated to providing general gynecologic care, natural family planning education and infertility services – all while honoring the sanctity of human life, the dignity of women and the integrity of marriage. All medical treatments are aimed at restoring the reproductive system and working cooperatively with a woman’s body.

The mission statement of The King’s Men reads, “Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as men pledge to unite and build up other men in the mod of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation, healing and action.” They accomplish this with a community presence, talks and seminars and “Into the Wild” retreats, outdoor, skill-oriented weekends providing men with experiences linked to a man’s natural vocation of leader, protector, and provider.

The Knights of Columbus base their good work on four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, but volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies.
#1333 Monsignor Schuyler Council (West Chester, PA)
#7515 St. John the Evangelist Council (Morrisville, PA)
#11013 Father McCafferty Council (Yardley, PA)

Mothers’ Home provides a safe haven for vulnerable pregnant women in crisis who choose life as a sacred gift. They encourage mothers to celebrate the joy of new life and help them to prepare for their future and the future of their child. Mothers’ Home focuses on physical, emotional and developmental needs including positive life skills, parenting and job preparation. They strive to assist their maternal residents to reach goals of independence and self-sufficiency.

Our Lady’s House is a pregnancy home founded by Pat and Wendy Stanton which provides shelter for women and children in Montgomery County. They have served women and families for over 20 years.

The St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family and Faith is the expression or application of the fourth vow of the friars of the Mercedarian Religious Order in the United States. This vow is the “willingness to give our lives who are in danger of losing their faith.” The foundation is in support of the strengthening of bonds in family life and does outreach to families in crisis. The initial mission is outreach to families and individuals affected by divorce and separation.

The mission of Students for Life of America (SFLA) is to abolish abortion by educating, equipping, and empowering students to facilitate discussion about the truth of abortion and change the culture on their campuses. SFLA serves more than 1,200 student groups in all 50 states, bringing them a variety of free trainings, displays, and educational resources and materials. More than 20 Regional Coordinators travel across the United States teaching students to be effective pro-life leaders and helping them on campus and mobilize in their communities.

The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network upholds human dignity through service to the medically vulnerable. They express this mission by affirming essential qualities of human dignity from a patient-centered perspective, which include the right to food and water, the presumption of the will to live, due process rights for those facing denial of care, protection from euthanasia as a form of medicine, and access to rehabilitative care.

LIFE Runners is the world’s largest pro-life running/walking team, with more than 9,300 members in 128 chapters spread throughout all 50 U.S. states and 35 nations. Teammates wear their LIFE Runners’ bright-blue jerseys bearing the words “Remember the Unborn
— Jer. 1:5” in local races, meet-up runs, and wherever they gather together for prayer and public witness. All members are invited to take part in an annual fall national marathon (locations vary) and to sign up for 5K legs in an annual “A-Cross America Relay” in July/August. Contact Philadelphia chapter leaders Ted Mirenda at tmirendajr@comcast.net or Sharon Skeel at sskeel@gmail.com for more details.

Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
Save a Life International is a pro-life non-profit based in the United States. We support women in crisis in Eastern Europe and beyond its borders including US. Our support includes crisis pregnancy support, violence and domestic abuse assistance, and humanitarian aid for mothers and their children. We also aim to educate the youth about sexual integrity and the sanctity of life.

Good Counsel is a nationally recognized nonprofit leader and innovator in creating supportive residential care and community-based services for homeless, expectant, and new mothers and their children in the context of the Catholic social tradition. Pregnant and expectant mothers, with or without other born children, including mothers with mental health or addiction challenges, from any location, are able to receive help in a Good Counsel home. Their headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, where Good Counsel was founded, during 1985 and an outreach program continues to this day. Good Counsel now has five homes: 4 in the New York State counties of the Bronx, Richmond (Staten Island), Westchester and Rockland; and in New Jersey’s Burlington County (just outside Camden and very near Philadelphia).

Sidewalk Servants are Men, Women and Young Adults who volunteer one hour of the month or more to pray and offer resources to everyone going in and out of the downtown Philadelphia Abortion Centers. Our goal is to have 100% coverage with prayerful, peaceful, loving sidewalk servants present outside the abortion centers for every hour that they are open.

Genesis Women’s Clinic is an organization providing support for women facing unplanned pregnancy. Our program provides a path forward toward a life affirming decision. Our home for single mothers provides a safe, loving environment for a mother who may have been facing homelessness. We pray that our program brings long term change in the life of the mother and her child.